Everyone loves free money or at least they should because it really is amazing. Benjamin Franklin once said, "A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned" and I definitely adhere to this principal, plus many of the pennies are save are pennies I find on the sidewalk and thus they were "free money". A few years ago I came across a website that gives "free money" to non-profits based off of every web search that is generated. In the past year this site: GoodSearch.com has become my favorite free money site!
Goodsearch is powered by Yahoo so the search results are just as good as Google and I love that every time I search I am giving back to the community. If you have never used Goodsearch before you can create a log-in or use Facebook as your log-in. Then you select the charity of your choosing from a list of 105,974 that are currently participating. My charity of choice is a local school, Zion Lutheran School and Preschool, and in 2012 to date with 21 supporters we have raised $31.96 through searching and shopping. Yes, $31.96 may not seem like much money to many people but to me every little bit counts. The Goodsearch fiscal year runs from Oct. 1 - Sept. 30th so thus far in the fiscal year the school has earned $69.60! Wow, from searching and shopping, none of this money actually had to come out of people's piggy banks and now the school can purchase whatever they need, art supplies, new soccer balls, whatever!
The other side of Goodsearch is Goodshop which has thousands of stores listed for your online shopping. I am addicted to The Limited and since the nearest one to my house is over 300 miles away online shopping is the route I go. The best part about this online shopping is that with each purchase they donate 1.5% to Zion's school. This makes me feel better about my frequent purchases because they benefit someone else! The percent back has a wide range from the 1.5% to 37% from Match.com if you know anyone looking for their services. So if you're looking to send flowers for Mothers Day check out Goodshop where FTD, my mother's day florist, will give 6% back or 1800Flowers will give 8.5% back, Mom's Happy and you're happy!
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